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As a HEERF participating institution, 以下信息由乐天堂app根据报告要求列表提供.


  • 乐天堂app承认,它已签署并向教育部退还了认证和协议,并保证该机构已使用CRRSAA(a)(1)计划下指定的适用资金金额向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.


  • 乐天堂app承认,它已经签署并向教育部退还了认证和协议,并保证该机构已经使用了ARP(a)(1)计划下指定的适用金额的资金,向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF III (ARP) for 04/01/21 to 06/30/21

  • 乐天堂app承认,它已经签署并向教育部退还了认证和协议,并保证该机构已经使用了ARP(a)(1)计划下指定的适用金额的资金,向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.



 HEERF I Acknowledgment:

乐天堂app承认,它已经签署并返回部门的认证和协议与保证,该机构已经使用, or intends to use, 不少于根据《乐天堂app》第18004(a)(1)条向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金的资金的50%.


22年1月1日至22年3月31日,HEERF I、II和III的关爱法案报告

  • Central Wyoming College’s allocation is  $1,786,631


  • Central Wyoming College’s allocation is $289,469.


  • Central Wyoming College’s allocation is $289,469

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF III (ARP) for 04/01/21 to 06/30/21

  • Central Wyoming College’s allocation is $1,207,693

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF II & III 10/01/21-12/21/21

  • Central Wyoming College allocation is $1,786,631



HEERF I:  Central Wyoming College’s allocation is $1,786,631.

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF II & III (ARP) for 01/01/22 to 03/31/22:: 

  • $459,750

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF II & III (ARP) for 10/01/21 to 12/31/21: 

  • $733,500

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF III (ARP) for 07/01/21 to 09/30/21

  • $67,450


  • $234,707


  • $0

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF III (ARP) for 04/01/21 to 06/30/21

  • $0


HEERF I:  10/01/21 to 12/31/21:  $733,500


CARES Act Reporting for HEERF II & III (ARP) for 01/01/22 to 03/31/22:

  • 404 students

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF II & III (ARP) for 10/01/21 to 12/31/21:

  • 994 students

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF III (ARP) for 07/01/21 to 09/30/21

  • 169 students


  • 503 students


  • 503 Students

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF III (ARP) for 04/01/21 to 06/30/21

  • 503 Students




10/01/21 to 12/31/21:  994


CARES Act Reporting for HEERF II & III (ARP) for 01/01/22 to 03/31/22:

  • 404

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF II & III (ARP) for 10/01/21 to 12/31/21:

  • 994

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF III (ARP) for 07/01/21 to 09/30/21

  • 169 students


  • 503 Students


  • 0 Students

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF III (ARP) for 04/01/21 to 06/30/21

  • 0 Students

HEERF I:根据《乐天堂app》第18004(a)(1)条获得紧急经济援助补助金的学生总数.

10/01/21 to 12/31/21:  994

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF II & III (ARP) for 01/01/22 to 03/31/22:

  • For this round of funding, 学生不必有资格获得第四章援助.  CWC根据以下几点来分配这一轮资金:学生必须注册至少一个学分,并且根据他们的预期家庭贡献(EFC)和最大未满足的需求使用公式来获得奖励.  There were three tiers of funding, $1,250, $1,000, and $500.

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF III (ARP) for 07/01/21 to 09/30/21

  • 紧急经济援助赠款可用于学生出勤费用的任何组成部分,也可用于因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or child care. 学生不必有资格获得第四章援助来获得这种援助. CWC根据以下几点分配这笔资金:学生必须注册至少3个学分和预期家庭贡献. If the EFC was 0, they received $1,000, between 1-1999, they received $700, between 2000-5999, they received $500 and between 6000-9999, they received $350. EFC of $10,000 and above did not receive an allocation.


  • 紧急经济援助赠款可用于学生出勤费用的任何组成部分,也可用于因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or child care. 学生不必有资格获得第四章援助来获得这种援助.  CWC根据以下几点分配这笔资金:学生必须注册至少3个学分和预期家庭贡献.  If the EFC was 0, they received $1,000, between 1-1999, they received $700, between 2000-5999, they received $500 and between 6000-9999, they received $350.  EFC of $10,000 and above did not receive an allocation.


  • 紧急经济援助赠款可用于学生出勤费用的任何组成部分,也可用于因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or child care. 学生不必有资格获得第四章援助来获得这种援助.  CWC根据以下几点分配这笔资金:学生必须注册至少3个学分和预期家庭贡献.  If the EFC was 0, they received $1,000, between 1-1999, they received $700, between 2000-5999, they received $500 and between 6000-9999, they received $350.  EFC of $10,000 and above did not receive an allocation.  We did not allocate any money during this quarter.

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF III (ARP) for 04/01/21 to 06/30/21

  • 0




CWC created an application for students to request CARES Act aid. 它被分发给了那些被认为可能符合美国助学金标准的学生.S. Department of Education guidance.  In addition to name, student ID, and contact information, 该表格要求学生确认他们的需求与新冠肺炎技术导致的校园运营中断有关, transportation, internet, etc.申请人提供了他们的情况的简要描述,并详细说明了因COVID-19而导致校园运营中断的相关费用.

10/01/21 to 12/31/21:  
For this round of funding, 学生不必有资格获得第四章援助.  CWC根据以下几点来分配这一轮资金:学生必须注册至少一个学分,并且根据他们的预期家庭贡献(EFC)和最大未满足的需求使用公式来获得奖励.  There were three tiers of funding, $1,250, $1,000, and $500.


CARES Act Reporting for HEERF II & III (ARP) for 01/01/22 to 03/31/22:

  • 通过电子邮件向学生传达有关分配过程的信息.  Also, 据通报,这些资金将通过与其联邦财政援助相同的渠道分配, 他们将获得的分配是基于他们的EFC和未满足的需求.

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF III (ARP) for 07/01/21 to 09/30/21

  • 向学生传达了有关分配过程的信息. Also, it was conveyed that the funding was distributed through the same channels as federal financial aid; and that to be eligible for these funds, 学生必须目前注册至少3个学分,并且期望家庭贡献低于10美元,000.


  • 向学生传达了有关分配过程的信息. Also, it was conveyed that the funding was distributed through the same channels as federal financial aid; and that to be eligible for these funds, 学生必须目前注册至少3个学分,并且期望家庭贡献低于10美元,000.


  • 向学生传达了有关分配过程的信息. Also, it was conveyed that the funding was distributed through the same channels as federal financial aid; and that to be eligible for these funds, 学生必须目前注册至少3个学分,并且期望家庭贡献低于10美元,000.   We did not allocate any money during this quarter.

CARES Act Reporting for HEERF III (ARP) for 04/01/21 to 06/30/21

  • 该机构尚未决定秋季学期的分配程序.



通过电子邮件向学生传达有关分配过程的信息.  Also, 据通报,这些资金将通过与其联邦财政援助相同的渠道分配, 他们将获得的分配是基于他们的EFC和未满足的需求. 

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